Castles, forests, Catholicism. And gypsies. And Dracula. I’m not proud of it, but these have long been the sole buzzwords I’ve always associated with Romania. Along with a lot of countries in Eastern…
The first cigar I ever smoked was when I was studying abroad in Florence. My friend Kath had been given one as a gift, so we lit it up along with…
Good English food is one of the things I find the hardest to be apart from when I’m travelling. When I last came back to London in January, I spent two…
Accommodation advice Cuba Solo Travel
Navigating Casas Particulares in Cuba – A Solo Traveller’s Guide
Before I arrived in Cuba, I knew nothing about casas particulares. “Flora, wait!” Esther came trotting down the hallway of the small bungalow in her nightie, waving her hands as I…
It’s been a month since I left South America. Four weeks ago, my last full day in Colombia, I was on the outskirts of Bogotá playing tejo in a giant greenhouse with…
Bolivia Brazil Colombia Ecuador Peru Solo Travel South America
15 Reasons Why I’m Still in Love with South America
“You don’t know when you’re coming back from South America?!” I remember the face of my best friend, slightly astonished, as she took in what I was saying to her. Finally…
What do taxis, cigars, horse drawn carriages and Buena Vista Social Club have in common? Well, they’re firstly all seemingly integral parts of a tourist’s experience of Cuba. And second, they’re…
For a long time (and without sounding too smug), I've been rather proud of how much travelling I've managed to accomplish. When I finished university in 2011, I spent six months…
“Crickets are good luck in Cuba,” the man tells me, as he expertly winds a palm leaf around itself, folding the plant so it begins to represent an insect. His fingers…
Have you ever been on a Colombian coffee farm tour? I’ve been battling an obsession with coffee for a long time. Despite adoring the taste, the caffeine buzz, and the resulting…