I always knew that India was going to be filled to the brim with tiny hands asking for food and painfully skinny women asking for money. What I didn’t expect was the intensity with which it’s thrust into your face.
Rajasthan wasn’t that bad to start with, but things suddenly escalated in Jaipur, and it really got to me.
Absolute poverty in India
For the first time in almost a month, the children begging were about three years old, the old men were literally bent double with polio, the women’s arms were missing, the babies were filthy and wearing no clothes, and the stench of dirt rose from their skin as we brushed past.
We’ve been having many conversations about how to deal with the ever-present poverty in India over the last weeks.
Some people are of the opinion that the (practically invisible) NGOs are doing the real work here, and slipping ten rupees to a few dirty hands isn’t going to make any difference – so you may as well do it. Some people think it’s seriously detrimental, with the beggar feeling they can then continue asking for money, because they’re convinced they’ll eventually get it.
And yet more people rightly say that there’s always a shadowed face lurking nearby, probably mafia-related, ready to snatch the money and hit the beggar who doesn’t make enough cash.
We’ve all seen Slumdog Millionaire: we all know it’s happening. And it’s easy enough to say you’ll ignore it.
But seriously: when a child tugs on your trouser leg and asks for a chapatti, and you’ve just spent the last half hour eating a meal that cost 200 rupees? There’s something inside that can’t stop you forking over something like thirteen pence and watching them eat.
I still haven’t come up with the best way of dealing with this, or even what my official stance is on the matter, but I do know that when the moment strikes me, or when someone clearly is not begging just for fun but to simply stay alive, I am not going to feel like I’m in the wrong for helping them.
But India has a funny way of forcing you to compare your life with those of its own citizens. Just when I was worrying about the plight of the poverty stricken, I found myself faced with an attack of every traveller’s worst nightmare.
The name Bharatpur may not mean much to you, but this little town will live forever in my memory as the place where I contracted the weirdest and worst case of bug bites I, or anyone I traveled through the place with, has ever seen.
Bharatpur’s main tourist draw is a huge bird sanctuary, which we spent a pleasant afternoon cycling through a large amount of. It’s a beautiful area of land, and an amazing respite from the noise and bustle of the cities.

Cycling through Keoladeo National Park. And singing songs from musicals.
(photo courtesy of Jess Tran)
When we eventually made it back to our hotel, we quickly realized that Bharatpur really didn’t have much else to offer us – especially seeing as the hotel opened out onto a highway. We were leaving the very next morning for Agra, so we thought it was best to spend our evening playing UNO outside in the grass, drinking beers, playing two newly-purchased tablas – and getting bitten.
Without any mosquito repellent on.
Attack of the bugs!
By the time we reached Agra (home of the Taj Mahal, to those who weren’t aware), I had about fifty little red dots all over my feet and lower calves. At first I thought they weren’t too much of an issue, but they kept on growing, in size and swelling and redness, for three days, until I wanted to scream.
And while I managed to avoid making a scene, I still spent a great deal of time giving my travel companions half-hourly updates on how the bites were doing. I figured they wanted to be kept in the loop.
Luckily a visit to the Taj Mahal created something of a diversion from my leper legs – which was a welcome relief for my friends.
The teardrop of India
Billed as India’s star attraction, it’s the most romantic building in the world, and one that many people in our group were absolutely overwhelmed by. I hadn’t ever had the biggest urge to see the Taj, but I have to admit it was an incredible place – although the incessant queue to “sit at the very same bench that Princess Di sat on” left me stumped.
We spent a good couple of hours taking copious photos in front of the famous monument, and traipsing along the very well-labelled tourist track that weaves around the building, in through the mausoleum, and out again. I think I took more photos than I posed for – and there were no Indians asking for a ‘click’ with us.
For once, we’d made it to an Indian site that was clearly much more interesting to locals than a random Westerner. Success!!
But, if I’m honest, I much preferred our visit across the river the afternoon before, when we checked out the famous building from the back.
A brief history lesson
Most people know the story behind the Taj Mahal, but for those needing a quick reminder:
The Mughal emperor Shah Jahan built the ‘eternal teardrop’ in the 16th century to house the body of his wife, Mumtaz, who had recently passed away. On her deathbed, she had asked him to demonstrate his love for her in the form of a building, and clearly he complied to the best of his ability.
Once the Taj had been completed, he began on his next project, a copy of the same building, across the river, but made entirely from black marble – intended, so it’s said, to represent his grief at losing the love of his life. Unfortunately, this second Taj was barely built when the emperor’s son decided to rebel and imprison his father until his death – leaving the Black Taj to remain as a story and nothing more.
Of course, there’s little real proof that any of it is actually true. The mausoleum that thousands of tourists file through respectfully each day doesn’t actually house any bodies – the tombs of Shah Jahan and his wife are purported to be below, underground, out of sight.
The Taj, reflected
But while I didn’t feel much of a link to the tall Taj tale when I was one of a thousand tourists shuffling around the marble floors in plastic-bagged flip flops, I saw the building in a whole different light – literally – when I stood back, with the Black Taj’s site as my base.
We were separated from it by a river, by barbed wire, and by the locals who casually walked past, paying absolutely no attention to a place often lauded as the ‘most romantic in the world’. Maybe because it was the back, rather than the front, right? But when I realised that the emperor had intended his body to be laid facing his wife’s mausoleum in this direction, the back suddenly seemed like the most obvious side to admire.
There are so many sights to see when travelling that it can be hard to admit, even to yourself, that you don’t enjoy a few – particularly when everyone expects you to. But there’s also a chance that you’re just looking at these famous sights in the wrong way. And once in a while, the place where all the tourists aren’t flocking around is sometimes (shock horror!) actually the best place to get a unique viewpoint from instead.
Not to mention it’s a lot easier to get a photo of yourself and no one else. Or your feet, anyway.
August 17, 2012 at 3:31 amDealing with poverty is a huge part of traveling in India. I’ve been going there once or twice a year since 2006 and think that the best way to deal with it is to give food instead of money. You can buy a few samosas and pass them out to the groups of children begging. When they are older, there is nothing wrong with giving 20 rupees so they can get a little oil and flour to make a chapati. Regardless of law, the caste system still exists and prevents certain people from getting jobs. It’s really not laziness. It’s a sad cycle, but something that has to be accepted and worked with in any way you can.
April 2, 2015 at 11:53 amI completely agree with you Alex. But the truth is, according to a survey done somewhere in 2004, a begger in India earns almost equal to a novice IT professional. We Indians, strongly believed that begging should be banned in India. I have seen people offering food, clothes or money to poor people but I believe by giving them this stuff we are becoming responsible for not letting them work. If they won’t be given anything, I am sure they would start working one day.
August 18, 2012 at 11:19 pmI completely agree, Alex – despite what many Indians tell you, the caste system is sadly still very much a part of many people’s daily lives. It’s difficult for Western visitors to know what’s appropriate, but I don’t think you can ever go wrong with a bit of food.
March 9, 2014 at 7:19 pmI agree completely…I do buy food for people when asked for money..
I think it is the best thing to do…
And the caste system is still very much present in India…
I am an Indian, and I work in an IT company.
I could hear people openly bragging about their caste in my office…
Sadly education isn’t enough for some people get rid of their ignorance..
April 2, 2015 at 12:00 pmYou will laugh by reading this that in India you cannot call any person Scheduled Cast or from backward classes if they belong to this category as it is a crime in India to do so. But the irony is that Indian Politicians for the sake of votes have been calling them Scheduled Caste or People from Backward Classes and reserving their quota for Jobs or other facilities in India. Even people who are from these categories loudly asking for their reservations by calling themselves being from these categories.
A person from a General Category who has scored 99% in Engineer entrance exam has extensive competition in comparison to a person who belongs to Scheduled Caste or Other Backward Classes. It is a strange
Happy, Safe and Solo: Travelling in India by Yourself
February 2, 2016 at 11:10 am[…] end up with my mysterious leg bites (I’m not going to share that photo now, but it can be found over here for those who care to […]
Life, Other Than.com
February 16, 2016 at 6:20 pmBedbugs are the worst. I got attacked by them while traveling in Malawi back in the 1990’s. I learned that when selecting accommodation, you should choose the places that bring their mattresses outside during the day and put them in the sun.
February 17, 2016 at 9:44 amThey’re such a nightmare! That’s a really good point about choosing hostels – although I guess it’s difficult to know how often they sun-dry their mattresses..
April 16, 2016 at 11:07 amSame old western ***t…
Truly Indian
June 27, 2016 at 4:59 pmthe westerners plundered enormous wealth from India and now complaining about the beggars..
Bed Bug Or Flea Bites On Humans | Flying Termites
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