[Last updated in 2019] With the changes in travel restrictions for US citizens to Cuba, many more people are now planning their visits to the island. If you’ve got a limited budget but still want to see as much of Cuba as possible, then please keep reading my guide for the cheapest way to travel to Cuba. And if you’ve already visited Cuba and have some budgeting tips to add, then please comment at the end of the article!
When you imagine travelling to Cuba, what springs to mind?
For many travellers, it’s a classic image of holiday relaxation; sipping on piña coladas on an empty stretch of white sand beach with a luxury hotel just behind the sun loungers.
But when I imagined travelling in Cuba, I saw cramped streets hung with laundry, stray dogs and rusting antique cars. I saw a fascination with Che Guevara, an inclination for shots of rum and smiling at strangers, loud music, peeling paint and illicit cigars sold on street corners: the trappings of an entire country beyond the self-contained resorts on the north coast.
Last summer I spent a month in Cuba, trying to explore as much of the island as I could: from the sensory bombardment of Havana to the sleepy village vibe of Viñales, and a number of cities, villages and landscapes in between.
As a solo traveller, I also tried to budget as much as possible. Although budget travel to Cuba isn’t the most obvious option, there were still a number of ways I managed to watch my cash.
Read more: how to travel around Cuba on a budget in four weeks
Visiting Cuba through a tourist’s eyes
By the time I reached Cuba, I had been travelling in Latin America for eighteen months, my Spanish was the closest to fluent that it’s ever been, and my confidence in both the language and Latino culture was soaring. When I was talking to Cubans by myself, speaking only Spanish and carrying myself with confidence, I managed to convince a number of locals that I was from Colombia.
While it wasn’t quite as good as being Cuban, the possibility that I hailed from a similar culture meant more acceptance. Prices decreased, conversation flowed more easily. The only issue was having to invent a hasty backstory about why my accent didn’t sound quite Colombian enough…
Both your appearance and your mentality can make a huge difference to how Cubans perceive you. Most foreign travellers I met had flown straight to Cuba from their home country for a two or three week holiday, and weren’t planning to travel elsewhere afterwards either. They spoke barely any Spanish, weren’t used to the street hustlers, and though they knew they were probably being taken advantage of they didn’t really know how to prevent it.
To be a tourist in Cuba means experiencing the country in a way that the local people will never usually do. Tourists are hustled on street corners for souvenirs and taxi rides and cigars. Tourists take their own particular type of public transport. Tourists are charged inflated prices for produce and services; they even deal with a different monetary currency to local Cubans.
So why are there two sets of rules for tourists and locals? Well, because there are two separate economies in Cuba.
The two currencies of Cuba
The economy the locals use is heavily subsidised by the state – there’s a free health service, cheap transport, and various items are rationed. Their wages are paid in the local currency, called Moneda Nacional (MN, usually referred to as pesos) and they receive around 400 MN a month (about £10 or $15).
The second currency is the convertible peso (or CUC, pronounced ‘cook’), which is what you’ll receive when changing foreign currency for Cuban. 1 CUC (fixed at $1 USD) is equal to 24 MN, and tourists will use CUCs to pay for their souvenirs, accommodation (in both hotels and casas particulares), restaurant meals and long distance bus journeys.
The CUC is the currency that most tourists will only ever deal in, because they’re are often told they’re not allowed to use Moneda Nacional. This isn’t exactly true: it’s just a lot more difficult.
On my first afternoon in Havana, I paid with CUC for a bunch of bananas at a street stall and shyly asked the stall owner for my change in MN. He gave me a curious glance, then handed over a bunch of faded peso notes, silky to the touch with overuse.
Later that day, I boarded a ferry to go across the harbour and handed an MN note to the ticket vendor. He flat out refused to take it.
Throughout my time in Cuba, I only occasionally saw places that would accept MN. Most of the time it was a personal challenge to actively ask shop owners if they’d let me pay using it, and I often felt guilty for even trying, because many Cubans take offence at foreigners trying to exploit them.
Is Cuba cheap? Your immediate costs on arrival in Cuba
- Entrance fee: $25 (25 CUC). Everyone arriving in Cuba has to pay a $25 entrance fee, whether it’s at their departure airport or on arrival in Havana’s airport.
- Exit fee: 25 CUC. There’s also a 25 CUC departure tax when flying out of the airport, so it’s sensible to simply put that money aside as soon as you’re in the country.
- Taxi to Havana: 20-25 CUC. The vast majority of tourists will take a taxi into Havana from the airport. There are lots of willing drivers waiting at the airport, and they’ll quote you various prices but the journey should never cost more than 25 CUC.
In Havana itself, the capital of the country and most tourists’ first experience of Cuba, anything that can be overpriced will be. Knowing your budget from the outset is the best way to keep costs to a minimum – that, and getting out early to start exploring the rest of the country.
How to access your money in Cuba
There’s a slew of online resources warning how difficult it can be to actually access your money in Cuba – and although I didn’t have much trouble, there was a constant nagging worry that I would.
Almost every transaction in Cuba occurs with cold hard cash. Credit and debit cards are very rarely accepted, and even then it’s only in tourist-exclusive places like Varadero. As a result, it’s recommended to take as much cash with you as you feel confident carrying – although because of the US-Cuba embargo, changing US dollars into CUC incurs a hefty tax and it’s only possible to change a handful of hard currencies into CUC (the most commonly accepted currencies are Euros, Pound Sterling, Swiss Francs and Canadian Dollars).
You can’t buy or exchange CUC outside of Cuba either, so it all has to be done in-country.

That means you need to be pre-prepared with a wad of cash if you’re planning to pick up souvenirs in bulk.
Of course, most people don’t want to carry much cash, which means they have to either exchange their traveler’s cheques or try to withdraw money. There are two options for the latter: visiting the bank, or going to a cadeca. Both require your passport as proof of identity, and it’s a good idea to check the exchange rate and count your money before leaving.
There are also issues with which cards the banks will accept. From different sources I heard that basically every type and brand of card might face problems; I had two debit cards which were MasterCard and Visa, and was able to withdraw cash from each. But it pays to check up on this specifically before you arrive in Cuba.
Finally, always change or withdraw a bit more than you think you’ll need. You don’t want to get caught with no money in a town where they’ve decided to close the bank on a Wednesday…
Cheap accommodation in Cuba: how to budget
All the hotels in Cuba are government run and when I visited in 2014 there weren’t many hostels for budgeting travellers, so the government allows locals to rent out their spare rooms – a system called ‘casas particulares‘.
The biggest benefit of staying in these ‘casas particulares‘ is that it allows you to actually spend time with Cubans in a pseudo-normal environment and hear their stories.
I’ve gone into the casa system in much more detail here but in budgeting terms, most casas will charge you for the room, not the amount of guests staying in it – and there’s usually a couple of beds, meaning enough space for four or even five people in one room.
When you think that a night in a room can cost anywhere between 15 CUC and 30 CUC, there’s a huge saving to be made if you’re travelling with other people. The only sacrifice to be made is giving up the chance to sleep in the nude, which in the Cuban heat, I’d be unwilling to do.
I only shared a bedroom for a few nights in my month of Cuba travel, but it was enough to see the benefits. Just remember to pack your ear plugs to combat the noise of the air conditioning and other people’s snoring.
Find Your Cuba Accommodation Here!
Coping with the Cuban weather
Cuba is an unapologetically hot and humid country. Cars and taxis open their windows for ventilation; museums and art galleries are strewn with standing fans; and checking whether your casa bedroom has air conditioning is of the utmost importance.
One casa I stayed at only had a small tabletop fan, so I spent the night sleeping an inch away from its whirring insides.
Visiting Cuba in June meant I caught the rainy season, enjoying a sudden downpour every afternoon. Depending on which part if the island you’re in it’ll happen at different times, but it’s quick and fierce, coming from nowhere and leaving just as suddenly.
The heavy clouds followed me around the island, and after the first few days of soaking hair and clothes I began to notice that many Cubans carried umbrellas around as a multi functional item: protection from the rain as well as the burning sun.
So when your casa owner offers you an umbrella in the mornings, for god’s sake take it!
The best way to travel around Cuba
Each day, I left my casa in the early morning when it was still relatively cool outside, and walked around until midday or 1pm. I chilled in the a/c of my room until about 4pm and then carried on exploring when the hottest part of the day was over.
To actually travel around the island though, there are a number of transport options:
- The tourist bus. The two main bus companies are Viazul and Transtur, and there’s little between them. Both have air conditioning, reclinable seats, take direct journeys, and they have connections in all of the major cities and smaller towns that tourists might want to visit. Tickets should be booked ahead of time at the bus station.
- The local bus. Whether tourists are ‘allowed’ to travel on the extensive (and much cheaper) Cuban bus network is a bit hazy. Depending on who you talk to, you’ll get different answers – but regardless you’ll probably find it extremely difficult to actually board one. From the outside, these metal trucks look like converted cattle transporters, and are one of the most obvious inconsistencies between tourists and locals in Cuba.
- Trains. Train travel is a possibility, although I never managed to ride on one. The timetables change often and routes run on different days, and after I spent a long time researching the possibilities, I eventually gave up trying.
- Bikes. Cycling is more accessible: there are a few casas that will have bikes for hire, and much of the country is flat with roads that aren’t too busy.
Read my four week itinerary for travelling in Cuba here!
Eating and drinking in Cuba
As a tourist, eating in Cuba is a strange business. Most casas offer to make their guests both breakfast and dinner for an additional cost, and the huge delicious portions they serve up each day make it a very sensible idea.
Most mornings I awoke to a groaning table of fresh fruit, eggs, bread, biscuits, coffee, and fresh juice. I’m not a big eater in the mornings, but I tried my best to eat as I didn’t want to waste anything.
In the early evenings I sat down to rice, black beans, plantain, salad and whichever meat I’d requested that morning: usually a choice between chicken, pork, fish, shrimp or lobster, at varying prices.
I’m not a huge eater so I was often unable to finish these platefuls. But when you’re confronted with a giant lobster, it feels almost insulting not to try.
If you get peckish during the day though, the food for sale is pretty hit and miss. The tourist restaurants are overpriced, and I didn’t like eating three big meals a day.
I also noticed that Cubans don’t seem to eat anything other than peso pizza for lunch, and after trying a few alternatives I can see why. Try heading into an average looking diner, ordering tuna pasta, and seeing if you can stomach eating this…
I found it pretty easy to skip lunch as I breakfast kept me full for so long, but budget wise, you can grab a peso pizza and pick up fruit and nuts cheaply at market stalls.
There are also numerous houses selling little cups of ‘tinto’ coffee through their window bars.
Of course, the stifling Cuban heat tends to sap your hunger levels, so it’s much more important to keep guzzling down the water. Drinking at least 3 litres of water a day is advisable – and if that sounds like a ridiculous amount, just wait and see how much you sweat.

If I look sad and irritable here, it’s because we were up in a bell tower in Trinidad, hiding from the midday sun for about two hours. It was very, very sweaty.
Most tap water in Cuba isn’t potable so Cubans will boil all their drinking water first, and unless you’re able to do the same throughout the day, you’ll be buying bottled water.
This is where the costs can really add up: a 1.5 litre bottle will be sold so often for 2 CUC that you can easily assume that’s the standard price, however expensive it sounds. However, with a bit of searching, you’ll find the corner stores and little markets where it costs 1 CUC instead – and then you’ll strike gold when you find the first dusty mercado which sells a 5 litre water container for 1.90 CUC.
I bought one of these every few days, lugged it back to my casa and decanted it into 2 litre bottles. The ‘Caribe’ chain of stores sell all kinds of products, segregated by store (ie. electronics in one, hair and beauty products in another) but all will usually sell 5 litre water containers.
Tip: Unfortunately, some places with fill water bottles from the tap then reseal them. If the water tastes strange then throw it out and buy some more.
The museums and towers of Cuba
Apart from simply wandering the streets and people watching in whichever places you go to, visiting museums is one of the most common pasttimes for tourists in Cuba.
Every city seems to have a number of dusty rooms filled with bloodstained uniforms and mysterious relics of Che’s era and the wars before. There’s also no shortage of creepy religious paraphernalia.

It was the museum room attendant’s idea to take our photo with the terrifying Jesus. On three different cameras.
Most museums charge a nominal entrance fee of 1 CUC, and then charge again to climb the accompanying tower. I’ll inform you now: there are a lot of buildings with towers in Cuba, and sitting in the top of them is a wonderful way to catch a longed-for breeze.
Also bear in mind that visiting the bathroom in museums and galleries won’t necessarily be covered by your entrance fee – there are usually women waiting inside to stare you down until you place a few coins in their tip tray.
I’m not sure if they’re employed separately from the museum/bus station/restaurant staff, but I always felt guilt tripped into contributing.
The nitty gritty Cuba budget breakdown
If you’ve made it this far, congratulations! You might also be after some hard numbers – so this is how my finances looked throughout my 27 days in Cuba.
My daily budget: 53 CUC (£35)
Before arriving in Cuba, I aimed for a daily budget of 59 CUC (£40), and when I left, my daily average spend was 53 CUC (£35). I averaged 23 CUC (£15) on accommodation, and 13 CUC (£8.50) on food (5 CUC for breakfast, 8 CUC for dinner).
The amount I spent altogether: 1435 CUC (£948)
After 26 nights and 27 days in Cuba, I left the country having spent a grand total of 1435 CUC (£948), excluding flights.
Out of this, 300 CUC (£200) was spent on food, and 605 CUC (£400) paid for my accommodation.
Now, this was excessive budgeting. With the exception of often paying for a double or triple room entirely by myself, I was very careful with the food I bought and the sights I paid to see. It helped that I spent much of my time with a Swedish couple who were equally money conscious: we were working to averagely the same budget, and it became a game of sorts to keep costs down.
So is Cuba cheap to visit? Did my budget travel in Cuba pay off?
I faced a few problems during my time in Cuba. First off, I didn’t bargain for casa prices as much as I probably should have (I blame my distinct inability to disappoint someone when I’m staring them straight in the face). Second, I completely underestimated how much things in Cuba actually cost, meaning the amount of cash I brought with me wasn’t enough.
A lot of my time in Cuba was spent worrying about whether I had enough money. There were days when I went way over budget, which were invariably followed by days where I barely did anything to try and make up the difference.
I was also overtly aware that many of the experiences I could have in Cuba were not available to Cuban locals. The prices were too high, the establishments too ‘exclusive’ – and that was very difficult to deal with. I started out attempting to see Cuba as locally as possible, but I soon realised it’s a difficult thing to manage.
Know before you go: what kind of trip do you expect to have in Cuba?
Cuba is one of those countries where I’d actually advocate travelling with somebody else. I was lucky to meet a couple who wanted to travel with me, but when I was by myself I found it quite hard to meet anyone, and that made my costs – and my loneliness – go up.
It was strange, too, coming from a year and a half of travel in South America and meeting tourists who were enjoying two weeks of fun in the Cuban sun. While they obviously had more leniency with their money, they also behaved a lot more like they were on holiday – something of an alien concept to me by that point – and it took me a while to settle into the same frame of mind.
Was I in Cuba to relax and actually enjoy myself? Seriously? Luckily the close proximity to beaches from almost every city in Cuba meant I could easily while away a day just basking in the sun if I felt like I needed an excuse to do nothing.
There’s no doubt that Cuba is an excellent place to practice your budgeting skills. It becomes something of a challenge to find the cheapest ways of doing things, and you feel a certain amount of pride that you’ve somewhat beaten the system. Of course, you then run the risk of feeling terrible that you’re not providing Cubans, who are famous for living in a poverty stricken society, as much money as you potentially could.
But there’s a difference between paying what’s fair and being taken advantage of, in my opinion, and after my month was up, I felt like I understood the system well enough to gauge how to save a little. Not to undercut the money that many Cubans clearly need, but simply a way to make your money last longer.
Andrea Anastasiou
January 30, 2015 at 4:57 amReally informative post, Flora! Sounds like Cuba would be a really difficult country to navigate if you cannot speak Spanish (and if your idea of it is cramped streets, stray dogs and rusting antique cars…). Would you say it would ruin your experience if you visited without being fluent in Spanish? I ask because I really want to visit but I don’t know a word of the language…
January 30, 2015 at 9:58 amI spent 4 months in Cuba last year and was surprised by how many people could speak English. For me, you don’t need to be fluent in Spanish, but I believe you should always have at least the basics when visiting a new country where the language is different to your own. It will always improve your time if you can interact with locals.
February 9, 2015 at 8:34 pmWow Melissa, I barely encountered anyone speaking fluent English during my time there! Although maybe they realised I was trying to practice my Spanish and stuck it out with me :p
February 9, 2015 at 8:33 pmThanks Andrea, glad you enjoyed the article! I think most travellers without any Spanish managed fine in Cuba – I guess I just have a bias and want people to experience the country to its fullest, which I do think requires some knowledge of the language. But definitely don’t let an inability to speak Spanish stop you from going!
December 30, 2015 at 5:16 amThanks for taking the time to get all this information organized and online, Flora! I’m an American going there next month and I’ve been trying to get as much info as I possibly can. It would be nice to travel cheap and I also want to get a “real” Cuban experience. Definitely staying in casas particulares and I need to get my butt into español mode!
December 30, 2015 at 7:54 pmI’m so glad you’ve found the article useful, Jeso! I can definitely recommend the casa experience – it’s honestly one of the quickest ways I’ve felt accustomed to a new culture 🙂
June 19, 2016 at 11:10 pmFlora, do you think the people would be appreciative or frustrated with someone who knows some Spanish and can speak ok (forgetting proper verb tenses often, though)? I’m not fluent by any means but always try to converse in Spanish when in Spanish speaking countries. Also, I keep reading conflicting “advise” about traveling in Cuba in September–hurricanes? no hurricanes?-etc. What do you think?
July 20, 2016 at 10:44 amHi Amy – I think making the effort to speak Spanish is more than half the battle! As long as you’re clearly trying to practice I highly doubt anyone is going to be frustrated with you 🙂
Alas I don’t know about potential hurricanes in September – I was there in early July and the weather was humid as anything but also occasional rainstorms (which was actually a relief!)
January 30, 2015 at 8:04 amOoh Cuba looks ace, great post. That picture of the blue car and horse and cart is stunning. The humidity and bottled water issue sounds similar to parts of South East Asia.
February 9, 2015 at 8:33 pmThanks JP – yep, the weather did feel pretty similar to India and Thailand at times!
Ryan Biddulph
January 30, 2015 at 4:31 pmFlora wonderfully informative post! I would like to visit one day; a bit hesitant with the money/currency exchange situation as I love doing the ATM bit BUT that’s some of what makes Cuba special, and less touristed. Little dance there for sure which intrigues me. As for the change situation and the confused look, I’ve been there in other countries where 2 or more currencies are used. Different experience, but kinda similar……We did a border crossing from Thailand to Myanmar and although they accepted Baht 4 times prior the border guard would NOT accept our Baht. He demanded USD. I stood my ground – politely, and with some light humor and smiling – and he bent to my good-naturedness and mule-like stubborness but happiness 😉
Loving the share Flora, thanks and keep on inspiring!
February 9, 2015 at 8:36 pmGlad you found it useful, Ryan! I think as long as you have substantial cash hidden in various places and attempt to withdraw money from the bank on occasion you’ll probably be fine. The Cuban opinion about USD is a little more.. complicated than Thailand, shall we say!
January 31, 2015 at 5:55 pmAs an American, Cuba has always been the forbidden fruit. Strangely, with the announcement of the U.S. lightening travel restrictions, my urgent desire has dwindled slightly. Funny how that works 🙂 Looks like a really fantastically interesting place to visit, though!
February 9, 2015 at 8:40 pmI’ve actually been expecting a reaction like this from various American travelers, Anna, so I’m glad you’ve voiced it! It’ll be interesting to see how many Americans still visit Cuba once it becomes totally legal…
January 31, 2015 at 8:13 pmSuch a super useful article! We were thinking about heading to Cuba in June but we’re actually not sure if we’re really going to have time during this trip now. Also, we’re used to budgeting £40 per day for two people, so it sounds like Cuba might stretch our budget quite a bit, especially as we’re not the best at bartering (though we do try haha). Anyway, useful info, thanks for sharing 🙂
February 9, 2015 at 8:41 pmYou’re more than welcome, Charlie! I do think Cuba’s quite a pricey country but there’s definitely ways to budget around that. Then again, it’s often more important to be able to actually enjoy what’s on offer – and while I did have a good time in Cuba, I couldn’t help noticing how many opportunities there were to splurge!
All Graduates | Spanish Translation Service
February 9, 2015 at 6:13 amGreat tips on how to stay in Cuba while on a budget. It’s certainly interesting to know that you can stay at a local’s house (if you’re lucky to get one that has a spare room). This is a rare opportunity for visitors to get to know what it is like to be immersed in the Cuban culture. No tour guide will be able to give you a close description on this kind of experience.
February 13, 2015 at 1:26 pmThanks, glad you found my tips useful!
February 10, 2015 at 4:02 amFlora, first things first, I love your blog, I’ve been following it for several months now!
I just wanted to leave a quick note to say great post, but that I laughed my head off when I read that ‘Canadian Francs’ are accepted in Cuba. We do love to pretend we’re as cool as the Europeans but I assure you we deal in Canadian dollars, not francs!
Thanks for the giggle and keep up the great writing! Best of luck training for the Camino, I’m set to do it this summer also!
Un abrazo de Canadá!
February 13, 2015 at 1:28 pmAhh I’m so sorry! Definitely a little oversight on my part there – it’s been changed now :p Cheers for pointing it out Jackie, and I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the site! Y buen Camino 🙂
February 19, 2015 at 2:14 pm[…] find out how to travel in Cuba on a budget – flowers The Explorer […]
Mary Mack
February 21, 2015 at 4:19 amA very insightful view of Cuba….especially for Americans. Thanks for all the helpful information
February 27, 2015 at 2:24 pmThanks Mary. Glad you enjoyed it!
March 22, 2015 at 7:29 pmCuba looks so exotic and gorgeous with all its greenery! Most importantly, why were so many people carrying around cakes? Hahaha, thanks for the tips!
April 10, 2015 at 3:36 pmHonestly I have NO IDEA about the cakes! I tried so hard to find out the reason but the most enlightening answer was simply, “..Cubans like a lot of cake?” (obviously from a man holding a cake)
May 7, 2015 at 3:54 amGreat post on Cuba! We found it while trying to research our own potential trip there. Our Mexican visa is about to run out and we thought it could be an interesting place to go before returning to finish Mexico. The dual currency seems a bit tricky, any advice about how best to manage the two and which did you end up using the most? What town/city/area was your favourite?
May 28, 2015 at 2:39 pmGlad you enjoyed the article! I definitely used the tourist currency more – there’s not much opportunity to use pesos unless you actively hunt it out… Also I loved Viñales and Trinidad 🙂
May 15, 2015 at 4:03 amGreat post Flora – just found your blog Googling “How to Travel Cuba Cheaply” as I took notes on how to do so during my 6 weeks I just finished in Cuba. Def planning on writing multiple articles about such an amazing country! I agree with you that speaking Spanish is a MUST in Cuba if you want to travel as cheaply as we did. Now I will definitely follow your blog after reading this well written article! Cheers
May 28, 2015 at 2:46 pmGreat stuff, I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my writings about Cuba! I still have a ton more than I have to write at some point too 🙂
July 21, 2015 at 9:16 pmSo you would not recommend to travel to Cuba on your own? I’d love to go there but I am travelling alone. Do you always need to pay for a double/triple room even if you are alone? There are no single rooms or dorms whatsoever?
July 22, 2015 at 6:22 pmTo be honest Leonie, I think accommodation choices are going to change now that the Cuban-US relations have levelled out. But when I was there last summer, every room had at least one double bed (if not two!) and I was paying for the room, not the bed. I think it’s absolutely fine to travel in Cuba alone but it effectively costs double the amount it *could* do.
November 5, 2015 at 4:33 pmBrilliantly insightful article and just what I was needing information about before booking a trip to Cuba with my girlfriend – we want to go as travellers not package holiday makers, so your breakdown is perfect! Thanks for taking the time and effort to share your experience and advice!!
November 9, 2015 at 12:10 amGreat stuff Mat – so glad you found the article useful! And I’m sure you guys are going to LOVE Cuba, it’s such a fascinating country and definitely worth spending a decent chunk of time exploring. Have a fantastic trip!
January 2, 2016 at 7:32 pmthank you that was very useful!!!
July 20, 2016 at 9:36 amGlad to hear it, Hooman!
January 3, 2016 at 8:50 pmHey Flora,
I found your articles incredibly interesting and you tips really useful , thank you for your amazing work! I fell in love in Cuba when I was still a child and unfortunately, I still haven’t ha the opportunity to go there … That I why i had some questions about the way your planned your trip. I am a French student studying in the US and it’s been several years I am desperately trying to find flights to get there without success.. Now that the relations between Cuba and the US have improved, I wanted to know if there was any way to fly directly from here to La Havana or if I still had to go through another country? The few ones that I have found so far are just crazy expensive, especially for a student… I would be so thankful to get more info from you and thank you against for this blog that made even more excited to visit this beautiful island!
July 20, 2016 at 10:22 amHi Ted, great to hear you’ve been enjoying my articles! Unfortunately as I’m based in the UK I don’t know much about the current flight situations into/out of Havana from the US, but I get the impression it’s a lot easier now. If you’re having trouble though, you could try looking into the groups that go out to volunteer with Cuban communities – that might involve subsidised flights. Hope you make it to Cuba soon!
January 28, 2016 at 11:34 amThis is def. my new favourite blog to read.
I am planning a trip to Cuba in October / November with my mum, and this guide to finances is just perfect. I think I will forward it to her actually. I rarely turn up looking like a tourist anywhere, but from your description, I would have had a pretty decent chance of doing a few things like that before figuring it all out.
Question: any experience dealing with vegetarians in Cuba? Shall I stock up on emergency biscuits or will it all work itself out?
July 20, 2016 at 10:30 amThanks so much Zenobia – and sorry for responding to your question so late! I think finding vegetarian options in Cuba would be pretty easy, although you might need to look to the higher end restaurants for the most varied veggie meals.
Planning a Trip to Cuba? Here's What You Need to Know (Pre-Trip Edition) - Birdgehls
February 3, 2016 at 11:44 pm[…] Cuban currency itself sounds a bit confusing. Flora the Explorer has written a detailed account from her time in the […]
Steve Cuba Photo Tours
March 13, 2016 at 4:30 pmHi Flora!
Great blog post. I get a lot of people that come to my photo tours in Cuba but I also get a lot of people who cannot afford the tour… I think this post would be great for them. I will definitely be sharing this blog post around. Great work! 🙂
July 20, 2016 at 10:35 amHi Steve! Thanks so much for your kind words about my article 🙂 I’d love it if you shared it around with people who want to travel to Cuba!
March 28, 2016 at 12:50 pmThanks Flora, just got back from 2 weeks in Cuba, and I agree with you re: the language. I don’t speak much Spanish in spite of which had a lovely time with locals all over, some who spoke some English and some of whom I communicated with in pantomime and pictionary! I think it would have been even more fun if I knew a little more Spanish.
July 20, 2016 at 10:37 amThat’s fantastic – I’m so glad you had a good time in Cuba! And pantomime pictionary Spanish sounds like a great effort 🙂
How to Visit Cuba on a Budget – Tailwind by Hipmunk
April 12, 2016 at 4:00 pm[…] travelers to Cuba report that you’ll be more accepted if you speak Spanish—and that means you’re more likely to be offered lower prices and to haggle successfully. Even […]
How to Visit Cuba on a Budget - Chronic Wanderlust | by Viktoria Urbanek
May 10, 2016 at 5:34 pm[…] travelers to Cuba report that you’ll be more accepted if you speak Spanish—and that means you’re more likely to be offered lower prices and to haggle successfully. Even […]
Tailwind: How to Visit Cuba on a Budget | Savored Journeys
June 10, 2016 at 2:50 pm[…] travelers to Cuba report that you’ll be more accepted if you speak Spanish—and that means you’re more likely to be offered lower prices and to haggle successfully. Even […]
How to Visit Cuba on a Budget - Because I'm Cheap
June 11, 2016 at 9:44 pm[…] travelers to Cuba report that you’ll be more accepted if you speak Spanish—and that means you’re more likely to be offered lower prices and to haggle successfully. Even […]
How to Visit Cuba on a Budget | Sartorial Exposure
June 15, 2016 at 6:04 pm[…] travelers to Cuba report that you’ll be more accepted if you speak Spanish—and that means you’re more likely to be offered lower prices and to haggle successfully. Even […]
How to Visit Cuba on a Budget | Gentlemen. B good. B polished.
June 16, 2016 at 1:56 am[…] travelers to Cuba report that you’ll be more accepted if you speak Spanish—and that means you’re more likely to be offered lower prices and to haggle successfully. Even […]
How To Visit Cuba on a Budget
June 23, 2016 at 9:24 am[…] travelers to Cuba report that you’ll be more accepted if you speak Spanish—and that means you’re more likely to be offered lower prices and to haggle successfully. Even […]
How To Visit Cuba on a Budget | Travel Blogger Community
June 23, 2016 at 9:17 pm[…] travelers to Cuba report that you’ll be more accepted if you speak Spanish—and that means you’re more likely to be offered lower prices and to haggle […]
How to Visit Cuba on a Budget - This Girl Travels
July 14, 2016 at 2:57 am[…] travelers to Cuba report that you’ll be more accepted if you speak Spanish—and that means you’re more likely to be offered lower prices and to haggle successfully. Even […]
Veronica Kegel-Giglio
July 20, 2016 at 2:27 amPelease let me know the Best way to fly to Cuba and how to book accomodations at people’s houses. Yo hablo el idioma. Quiero saber más.
Veronica Kegel-Giglio
July 20, 2016 at 2:29 amI want to know where to book the cheapest flights to Cuba and accomodations in prívate houses. Yo hablo el idioma
July 20, 2016 at 10:41 amHi Veronica, I’m afraid I can’t help you with booking flights to Cuba. Your best bet is to search on some flight comparison websites and find a deal that works for you. As for booking accommodation in Cuba – from my experience in 2014, it was easiest to simply phone up different casas for the town I planned to go to next. People in Cuba are all very happy to help with doing that! I imagine there’s probably some online booking services for casas now though so you could also try that 🙂
July 20, 2016 at 10:34 amHi Steve! Thanks so much for your kind words about my article 🙂 I’d love it if you shared it around with people who want to travel to Cuba!
Visiting Cuba on a Budget - Go4Travel Blog
July 25, 2016 at 5:26 am[…] travelers to Cuba report that you’ll be more accepted if you speak Spanish—and that means you’re more likely to be offered lower prices and to haggle successfully. Even […]
How to Visit Cuba on a Budget - DukeStewartWrites.com
July 28, 2016 at 10:33 am[…] travelers to Cuba report that you’ll be more accepted if you speak Spanish—and that means you’re more likely to be offered lower prices and to haggle successfully. Even […]
How to visit Cuba on a budget | That Adventurer
August 6, 2016 at 9:02 pm[…] travelers to Cuba report that you’ll be more accepted if you speak Spanish—and that means you’re more likely to be offered lower prices and to haggle successfully. Even […]
How to Visit Cuba on a Budget | Montenegro.com Blog – English
August 26, 2016 at 10:28 am[…] travelers to Cuba report that you’ll be more accepted if you speak Spanish—and that means you’re more likely to be offered lower prices and to haggle successfully. Even […]
How to Visit Cuba on a Budget - Every Steph
September 21, 2016 at 4:55 pm[…] travelers to Cuba report that you’ll be more accepted if you speak Spanish—and that means you’re more likely to be offered lower prices and to haggle successfully. Even […]
Hipmunk Hotels: How to Visit Cuba on a Budget - The Toronto Seoulcialite
September 22, 2016 at 12:29 am[…] travelers to Cuba report that you’ll be more accepted if you speak Spanish—and that means you’re more likely to be offered lower prices and to haggle successfully. Even […]
How to Visit Cuba on a Budget | The Next Big Adventure
September 22, 2016 at 4:18 pm[…] travelers to Cuba report that you’ll be more accepted if you speak Spanish—and that means you’re more likely to be offered lower prices and to haggle successfully. Even […]
How to Visit Cuba on a Budget -
September 24, 2016 at 6:50 am[…] travelers to Cuba report that you’ll be more accepted if you speak Spanish—and that means you’re more likely to be offered lower prices and to haggle successfully. Even […]
September 27, 2016 at 6:26 amI’ve been wanting to go for several years but my main issue is the flight ticket which is more than a £1000. I’m flying from Cairo, Egypt. Any idea how can I cut it by half at least? I looked into volunteering programs but everything can take care of you once you’re there but not how you get there.
November 27, 2016 at 9:55 pmHi Hanan, I wish I could help but unfortunately I don’t know about flights from Cairo. Maybe someone reading this article will be able to help, though? Otherwise have you looked into travelling overland from Cairo to another, less expensive airport then catching a flight from there?
How to Visit Cuba on a Budget - No Checked Bags
September 27, 2016 at 4:18 pm[…] travelers to Cuba report that you’ll be more accepted if you speak Spanish—and that means you’re more likely to be offered lower prices and to haggle successfully. Even […]
October 15, 2016 at 9:27 pmHi Flora, great article. Thank you! Can you recommend any beaches that have lower budget accommodation options? I would like to spend a few days on the beach while in there but can’t afford an all inclusive place. Thanks!
November 27, 2016 at 9:57 pmThanks Georgia! To be honest, I didn’t spend much time on the beaches in Cuba – but I also never headed to Varadero (where all the all-inclusives are!). When I was in Viñales I jumped in a hire car some friends of mine had and we drove to a nearby beach which was totally empty and absolutely stunning, but I wouldn’t know the location I’m afraid. I think if you hire a car and check a guidebook you’re more than likely to find some good spots!
November 22, 2016 at 8:29 amThis is such a good information and very useful for everyone.
November 27, 2016 at 8:12 pmThanks so much!
December 4, 2016 at 5:54 amFlora, thank you so much for this great article. My wife and I are planning to visit Cuba in April and would like to stay with a Cuban couple or family. All the casas particulares I’ve seen online are unoccupied. How did you find the casa you describe here? Thank you!
December 12, 2016 at 6:15 pmYou’re welcome, Bill! This is more of a general advice article about Cuban travel (although I do go into more detail about the Cuban casa system in another article on the site) but all the casas I stayed in were found once I arrived, usually via word of mouth. Sometimes I asked my current casa owner for recommendations in the next town which they were more than happy to provide, as most casas are part of country-wide networks to allow for better business. I haven’t tried searching for casas online as when I went to Cuba in 2014 the internet was barely accessible! Hope you and your wife have a wonderful trip 🙂
December 9, 2016 at 6:08 pmWhat are the top 4 cities you would recommend?
December 12, 2016 at 9:38 amHi Nick! I think Havana, Viñales, Trinidad and Santiago de Cuba are all high on my list 🙂
December 27, 2016 at 11:38 amHi Flora, great post! I have one question…How did you find all the private accommodation places? Thanks so much for your help!
December 27, 2016 at 12:13 pmHi Jacqueline, I actually answered the same question a few comments up when replying to Bill! If you have any more questions feel free to ask though 🙂
Agness of Tuktuk
February 12, 2017 at 11:36 amSharing your experience in such an informative and organized well, great write up! I am pretty sure this will help a lot of travelers going to Cuba, and convince the lot that are a bit hesitant. Keep it up!
July 27, 2017 at 9:36 pmThanks so much Agness – glad you think it’s a useful article!
May 23, 2017 at 12:47 amHello!
Love your post on Cuba! It answered a lot of my questions so thank you! In regards to transportation, do you know if there are any overnight options available? I’ll be going to Cuba for a week and looking to minimize transportation time getting from one city to another. Also, did you do any hiking while in Cuba? Were the national parks easily accessible? Any tidbits of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!
July 8, 2017 at 1:37 pmNice tips to travel in Cuba on the cheap. Thanks for sharing it.
June 24, 2018 at 8:13 pmThanks for reading Jeremiah!
Seven Rules of Dating Cuban Women
September 25, 2017 at 9:01 pm[…] 7: Things are so cheap in Cuba, so be a generous guy. If you are from a developed country, visiting Cuba is really cheap. You’ll be very glad to see how cheap things are in this country. Therefore, it’s a good idea […]
Bed and Breakfast Cuba
December 20, 2017 at 2:34 pmHow beautiful is Cuba, a place to remember and to always come back, if you plan to go there I recommend choosing your accommodation at https://www.bandbcuba.com/ has good places to stay. And I wish you good experience in that beautiful country.
jim Capuano
May 26, 2018 at 5:11 pmIt would be helpful to know the USD aside fro Euros for an American visiting.
several Rules Of Dating Cuban Women - Bridesanddiamonds.com
September 25, 2019 at 10:35 am[…] cheap within Cuba, therefore be the generous man. If you might be through the created country, visiting Cuba will be actually cheap. You’ll become really glad to observe exactly how cheap everything is usually inside this […]
seven Rules Of Dating Cuban Women | art-n-stuff
September 26, 2019 at 9:43 am[…] inexpensive in Cuba, thus be a generous guy. If you might end up being from the developed region, visiting Tanque is genuinely cheap. You will end up being very glad to learn just how cheap things are typically with this country. As […]
Sun Travel 365 Cuba travel Guide - (2020) | Sun Travel 365
January 7, 2020 at 12:22 pm[…] $45-$65 for a solo traveler, $66-$100 if you’re splitting expenses. These posts provide couple, solo, and general travel budgets for […]
Debbi Ross
January 17, 2020 at 6:43 pmHow did you get to cuba?
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